Archives for the month of: March, 2015

I am beyond excited. I got a full time job on Friday! I have two weeks to pick up and move to philly while still working my four part time jobs for the next two weeks. Everything about the opportunity excites me. That fact that I’ll be in an office with 40 people, working on writing and talking to people, and moving to a new city!

Since I got out of school, I’ve wanted a full time job. I’ve want this for so long before but part of me knows that it was a good thing that I had to live at home for a while. I needed to get some things straight in my mind, save money, and focus on myself. I feel a million times better than I did a few months ago and now that I got a full time job I am ready to uproot and get a bigger pot to grow in!

It seems like every day there is a news report or article written about someone who flew off the handle on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or whatever else is out there, posted something thoughtlessly (or intentionally…), and now has to suffer the consequences. Take Joey Casselberry, a baseball player for Bloomsburg University, who posted a derogatory tweet about Mo’ne Davis and was kicked off the team. Happily, Davis responded in a classy way showcasing a maturity level that exceeds her years, saying that everybody makes mistakes. How about the teenager who posted an expletive-rich tweet about starting her new job at a pizza place and was fired by the owner of that same pizza place via Twitter? The cases keep coming and coming. What is going on?

I didn’t grow up with social media. When I was accepted to college, I was assigned my .edu email address and my friends and I immediately signed up for Facebook (am I dating myself?). Twitter didn’t show up on my radar until 2008 and I find myself asking my younger sister what certain social media apps and websites are. But, despite all that, I’ve talked to enough people, watched enough news, and read enough stories about not thinking before you post something to know what not to do. People, think about it: are you looking for a job? How about an internship? Are you applying to colleges or graduate schools? Looking to switch companies or careers? I’m pretty sure any company or institution has access to the internet and, therefore, to your social media world. Actually, I even have a link to my LinkedIn account on my resume so employers could find me that way. And it’s only a hop, skip, and a jump (if you’ll excuse the cliche) to my Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts. Sure, I was a stupid, impulsive kid once (weren’t we all?), but let me tell you something: if you’re college-age and older, you’re not a kid anymore. People do make mistakes, of course, but you have to take personal responsibility for yourself and your social media presence.

We don’t live in a closed-off world anymore and, whether you love it or hate it, social media is here to stay. It can affect you in many ways, so why not try to be smart about it? If you find yourself wanting to post something you think is funny or witty, take just one minute to think about it. Even better, if you’re angry about something, take five minutes to think about posting your thought. I guarantee you’ll skip the post most of the time.

This post is a bit of a rant, but I’m sick of hearing about people losing jobs and other opportunities because they couldn’t control an impulse. And I’m not saying that I’m perfect! Not at all. But I do know that I think twice before clicking post or send, no matter what it is. Once it’s out there, it’s out there!

social mediaSource.

For me, a helpful thing to know is my “quick fixes” for my mood.  My mood affects everything I do – my work, my down time, and my relationships.  When my mood is less than desirable, there are a few things I have in the back of my mind that can help me restore a more “heidi-ish” mood and therefore help me go through my day

There aren’t many quick fixes in life, no matter how many blogs try to convince you otherwise. These are some temporary fixes that I’ve found helpful. Remember, quick fixes for mood are all personalized, so mine may or may not work for you. Here are some of mine:

1. Question my thinking. Can I know what I am thinking (about myself, about other people, about the work that I need to do, etc) is true?  This is extremely helpful when I am in a bad mood because of an assumption, and this is a helpful way to figure it out. (inspired by Byron Katie’s work)

2. Straighten up the area where I am. Whether I am relaxing on the chair in my room or working at my desk, I find a quick fix for a negative mood is to straighten up my surroundings, even if it’s just moving all of my laundry into one basket or placing all of the papers on my desk into one pile and wiping it down with some Windex. I can’t really explain it, but it’s a wonderful way to spark a positive mood.

3. Eat.  I ask myself– have I eaten recently? If I haven’t, I immediately go for a snack. Food is fuel.  Without it, I turn into Megaladon, the prehistoric monster shark.

Again, these are temporary “quick fixes” for my mood. Try them out! See what works for you. It’s very helpful for me to have a short list of these in my mind for those times when I need them.

Recently, I’ve been thinking about jobs and knowing when to move on (if you feel like you want to do that). If you’re feeling okay with your current position but you’re not being challenged every day, is this a good reason to look for something new? What if you’re happy but you’re worried about missing out on a great opportunity? I’ve been reading about these situations and talking to friends to get their input, and what I’ve come up with is this: it’s up to you.

I know–completely unhelpful, right? Well, I’ve thought a lot about this and it seems important that all jobseekers understand that your search is about you. Your friend, sister, neighbor, mother, or brother is not looking for a job or to switch careers; you are. This is something you’re going to be doing for most of your week (and, if you’re looking for part time or freelance work, it will still take up much of your time); what’s the point of even trying if you’re just going to be miserable? I know it’s easier to say “Oh, just get a new job!” or “Get the job you want!” than to actually be hired for that dream position, but I can’t think of a more depressing existence than just knocking out hours at work and watching the clock.

I understand that not everyone is going to be head over heels in love with their job, but I think that everyone has a right to at least take pride in what they do. I think that if you’re completing a task or working on something long term and you find yourself thinking, “Oh, who cares about this?” Then maybe it’s time to look for something new.

You have a right to be happy, people! And I think it’s important to tell yourself that every day (say it with me, now): I HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HAPPY! This ties in well with Heidi’s post last week–if looking for a new career, job, or position will bring you joy, DO IT.

Please check out this article from The Huffington Post by Elizabeth Gilbert. I know I’ve written a post about her before, but the more I read by and about her, the more I love what she has to say. She’s so positive about creativity and happiness that you can’t help but feel good after reading something by her. So, my wonderful readers out there, give yourself permission to be happy and then go out there and find what makes you happy!
